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All Here and Metaphysiks set out to merge digital and physical worlds

All Here and Metaphysiks set out to merge digital and physical worlds
16 Jul 2022

All Here has established a strategic partnership with Metaphysiks, the Swiss-based immersive technology company.  The company’s core technology, MetaTouch, connects the nervous system via the surface of the skin using neuroscience-based thermos-variant and haptic-tactile products.

The development of MetaTouch is based on a decade of research in the laboraties of the world-leading neuroscientist Olaf Blanke, professor at EPFL and also co-founder of Metaphysiks.  Metaphysiks has already demonstrated its ability to deliver rich bodily touch sensations that mimic physiological signals and deliver them in an integrated methodology to prompt the user’s mind to generate conscious experiences.  The company is poised to revolutionise the level of immersion in digital experiences for users by creating personalised bodily gateways into the Metaverse.

Commenting on the partnership, Erkin Bek, All Here’s founder said:

“ The company’s technology is poised to help us transform the realm of meditative practice, which is a central goal for All Here.  Metaphysiks has an exciting mission to humanise the Metaverse, bringing physical and emotional engagement into the virtual and digital world.  We will be working together to merge the physical and digital worlds, and that is hugely exciting for us.”