All Here has partnered with Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana (S-VYASA), a prestigious higher education institute in Bengaluru, India, dedicated to yoga research and therapy. This collaboration aims to advance research and education related to meditation, yoga, and allied sciences.
Currently, there is no accepted benchmark for measuring deep meditative states. To address this, All Here and S-VYASA are joining forces to study advanced meditation stages from established traditions in India and internationally.
“The big question is: Where does meditation take you?” says Erkin Bek, Founder of All Here. “What should meditation practitioners around the world strive to achieve as an evidence-based state of consciousness? We would like to research and eventually establish scientifically benchmarked states of consciousness in meditation. Our collaboration will target meditation centres of substance, inviting them to join All Here’s quest to identify and benchmark Peak Meditative States.”
All Here and S-VYASA also plan to collaborate on academic and demonstration events, such as seminars and scientific conferences, and forge collaboration among researchers in India, Switzerland and internationally.